Firewall Rule Management


This set of scripts lets you manage Windows Firewall rules for specific .exe files. Choose to block or remove firewall rules for .exe files in the same directory as the script, enhancing system security.


Choose a Script

Two options:

1. Batch Script (.bat)

Simple and user-friendly. Name: fw_rule_manager.bat.

2. PowerShell Script (.ps1)

Offers advanced functionality. Name: fw_rule_manager.ps1.

How It Works

Batch Script (.bat)

  1. Detects the script's directory.
  2. Asks to block or remove firewall rules.
  3. Adds outbound and inbound rules to block or removes existing rules for each .exe file.

PowerShell Script (.ps1)

  1. Gets the script's directory.
  2. Asks to block or remove firewall rules.
  3. Adds outbound and inbound rules to block or removes existing rules for each .exe file.

How to Use

Batch Script (.bat)

  1. Download fw_manager.bat.
  2. Save it in the directory with .exe files.
  3. Run by double-clicking or command prompt.
  4. Choose Action: 1 to block, 2 to remove.
  5. Script Execution: Auto-detects and processes .exe files.
  6. Done: Displays "Done" and pauses for review.

PowerShell Script (.ps1)

  1. Download fw_manager.ps1.
  2. Save it anywhere.
  3. Run in PowerShell with admin privileges.
  4. Navigate to script's directory (if needed).
  5. Execute with .\fw_manager.ps1.
  6. Choose Action: 1 to block, 2 to remove.
  7. Script Execution: Auto-detects and processes .exe files.
  8. Done: Displays "Done."


        graph LR

        subgraph main
        A[Start] --> B[Get Script Directory]
        B --> C[Ask User Action]
        C --> D[Block Rules]
        C --> E[Remove Rules]

        subgraph loop
        D --> J
        E --> J
        J[user choice]
        J --> F[Display Status]
        F --> G[Next .exe File]
        G --> K{any left?}
        K -- yes --> J

        subgraph done
        K -- no --> H[Script Completed]
        H --> I[Done]
